I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!
ㅤa note on the faceclaim:ㅤ ㅤin an effort to distance my vala from canon vala, i will be using an alt fc. as you can see from this carrd, i do use images of claudia black - she is not problematic (as far as i know). i just wanted to reassure that there was nothing claudia had done to make me use hande, on the contrary, everything that is good about vala is born from her brilliant acting.however, considering i know there are those who have issues with canon vala, all posts which include claudia's face will be tagged with canon vala //
01 hi! welcome to my blog. so, here are the important things: i want to write, i want to have a good time and i’d love to write with people i get along with. i adore plotting, building complicated worlds and having several threads with one person! my ims (and discord) are always open for ideas, rants or flails! you can also find me on my multi (wcrlds), cptnpike (christopher pike), christine chapel (nursc) and the tenth doctor (lcgends)02 i dislike relentless negativity. if you tend to post a lot of negativity i might end up soft blocking you. i don't mean negativity regarding your personal life, i mean negativity regarding the rpc and media. criticisms are fine and encouraged, but shitting on shows/ships/character without a reason... i don't like that in my dash.03 i’m mutuals-only! which means i ask that you please don't interact with my posts if we aren't mutuals. furthermore, please do not send me asks/messages about interactions if we aren't mutuals. it will lead me to soft blocking you as it makes me uncomfortable.04 this goes for everyone: its 2022, you all know how to reblog from source. reblog everything from source please. musings, gifsets, memes, text posts.05 credit: the carrd is from endlesswood, with minor edits by me. all other graphics and edits are made by me unless stated otherwise.
06 don’t pressure me for connections. it's the quickest way for me to lose interest in writing with you! i love shipping, i loveplatonic connections and i'm always looking for them, but pushiness does not work with me!07 i love shipping so i'll definitely want to ship when there is chemistry. about daniel as part of my canon divergences, i am actively excluding him from her canon. they are teammates and nothing more. vala is someone with severe issues, she was used as a host, raped by her people, torn apart completely and all she had left, after she regained control of who she was, was her body. she knows she is beautiful and uses that, she is flirtatious and confident, but she would never touch someone without their permission.08 i tend to practice mains/exclusives as i get very attached to specific portrayals of characters.09 my reply speed heavily depends on my availability. this blog runs on a queue, i rarely post replies as soon as i write them, so please don’t pressure me about my speed!09. I WON’T FOLLOW/INTERACT WITH CHARACTERS WHO BELONG TO NAZI INSPIRED GROUPS (OR JUST STRAIGHT UP NAZIS): HYDRA, THE EMPIRE, THE ORDER OR WHITEWASHED CHARACTERS. OR CHARACTERS WHO ARE SELF INSERTS
DNI: JOHNNY DEPP, ARMIE HAMMER, JARED LETO, NOEL CLARKE, robert downey jr, CATE BLANCHETT (AND OTHER WOODY ALLEN SUPPORTERS).I also won't follow with people who interact with these faceclaims/characters

*❝ And as your mother, you will listen to me, young lady. There will be no leading of these ships and armies on a mass-murdering crusade! Or else!*
ㅤtrigger warnings:ㅤ ㅤloss of bodily autonomy, forced pregnancy, rape, violence, murder, possessionvala's past has been rewritten from her canon self. while several of the same story beats repeat, from her being taken as a goa'uld, to her freedom and later possession by the ori, a lot of extra details have been added to give her life more context, and to structure it in a more sensible manner. please don't assume anything about her based on canon.daniel jackson has been almost completely removed from her story, replaced by teal'c, sam and cameron. the only big event which involves daniel is her first interaction with the sg-1 team which you can read about here.
ㅤchildhood:ㅤ ㅤages 0-3. vala is raised solely by her mother, valeria, in a rundown planet, ruled by the goa’uld qetesh. her mother works as a seamstress and as a maid, vala is usually at her knee or a neighbor’s place. she is a happy baby, with a big smile, and sparkling eyes, always up to mischief, people often remark she’ll be just like her father.** ages 3-7. ** her father returns. it is cause for a great celebration, as he brings dozens of shiny trinkets with him, and a substantial lump of money; it should have lasted them many years, they should have lived in relative comfort, but instead they live in luxury for one year, and then become poorer than they’ve ever been, as they now have substantial debts. her father leaves the planet again, starting a cycle of him coming back with money and various items for vala and her mother, only to leave shortly after and disappear for months. every time he comes back he brings less money, and seems more skittish, more worried about being caught. when she is six, vala begins working with her mother, helping her at the house she works and with sewing and mending.**ages 8-9. ** a disease spreads through the village. her father is gone, and she grows quick very quickly. she is a study child, however, and pulls through, her mother tending to her day and night. valeria is not so lucky — she can’t work, no one is allowed to leave their houses, and all of the resources she has left are given to vala. the food, water, medicine, it is all given to her precious bright-eyed child.when vala wakes up from her feverish coma, dark shadows roam the room, the moon’s sinister light bathing the room in shadows. her mother is shrouded in the corner, wrapped in a spare blanket, eyes lifeless.it takes her father two months to return. during this time, vala picks up small jobs here and there, but mostly, she steals. bread, water, clothing, anything she needs to keep herself fed and keep the house until her father returns. despite the constant disappointments, she hopes that things will be different.
she was right, they become much worse.ages 10-12. he brings back a wife with him, adria, whom vala suspects was his lover all along. he begins taking her on jobs, calls her his little wraith. she enjoys it, being cleverer than everyone else, escaping right under their noses, it gives her a thrill every time. it is not enough to keep their new house of three. they take on more jobs, more risks, until one day it all stops. her father sends her back to her job as a maid, she is now grown ( a tall twelve-year-old is still a child, even if she towers over grown men ). in a lapse of kindness, her father reminds her to take everything she cares about to fierenze’s house.she collects her mother’s picture, the box of trinkets her father gave her, her favorite doll and a lump of cash... for emergencies.funny... she didn’t think they had so much money lying around.
that money, in fact, was part of fierenze’s payment — he bought her. she was now one of the many items in his collection.



ㅤteenage years:ㅤ ㅤages 13-18. ** she works at fierenze’s house, day and night. he takes her all across the galaxy in his ship; when he isn’t looking, she goes back to her old ways, stealing everything she comes across. sometimes out of need, sometimes out of boredom, sometimes just because she can.surprisingly, this is not the worst time of her life. the work is brutal, but he never touches her, allows her some freedom, as long as she comes back. doesn’t mean she feels guilty when she drives a dagger through his heart.==ㅤweapons trader:ㅤ== ㅤ ages 18-27. ** vales takes over fierenze’s smuggling operation. she is good with numbers, great with trades, and ruthless with her enemies. she amassed great power, and told herself countless times to go somewhere far away. another planet, another star system, but she kept her base of operations on the same planet she grew up in, saw her father from afar a hundred times and never approached him, hired several contract killers to kill her stepmother but never went through with it.her influence became so great, that it threatened the ruling goa’uld. qetesh did not care for the planet, it was one of the backyard planets she was stuck with, and she wanted more. but when rumors of a possible rebellion reached her ears, she set to find the person who was supplying the jaffa weapons. at that point, qetesh’s host had grown old; not too old to not still be useful, but qetesh was a fancifil and vain creature, one look at vala and she decided she wanted her.an army of jaffa stormed vala’s house, bypassing the several defenses she had installed after numerous attempts on her life, and took her to qetesh. and the rest... she would prefer not to talk about.==ㅤgoa'uld:ㅤ== for thirty-years, she served as a host to qetesh. the rebellion that once threatened her power was put down, but soon a galaxy-wide rebellion set the stage for her downfall. again, vala’s life was linked to that same goddamn planet she was born in. it didn’t matter how far she, or qetesh went, it all came back to those sandy beaches. qetesh’s army was destroyed, and she was subdued by a hoarde of villagers.they beat her, tortured her, raped her. and all the while, vala was trapped inside, feeling every pin and prickle.ㅤqetesh was a powerful goa'uld. she was not a system lord, however, serving as an underling of the system lord camulus. still, she played the game quite well and massed power, extending her reign across several planets and raging war against the powerful ba'al and athena.she was ruthless, killing and executing humans in the planets she ruled if they failed to meet the instituted quotas.ㅤpost goa'uld:ㅤ ㅤ( she appears to be in her mid-thirties ) the tok’ra who had helped incite this new rebellion felt bad for her. he grabbed her in the middle of the night and removed qetesh from inside of vala’s body, nursing her back to health after. vala tried to remain on her planet, but everywhere she went, all they saw was qetesh. the same people who had once held her as a baby, now elders, spit on her.taking the precious few items she had once taken to fierenze’s house with her, and all the goa’uld technology she could get her hands on, vala left. her empire had been destroyed, but some parts of qetesh’s still remained. as she tried to figure out her next step, she rested on a planet once ruled by qetesh, pretending to still be the goddess.and again, she returned to her old ways, becoming a thief. a good life, if a lonely one, which suits her just fine. smart, clever and merciless, she began robbing cargo ships, and even once.. an earth ship.
ㅤsetting:ㅤ earth, season 10 of stargate
ㅤage:ㅤ ㅤunknown, appears to be in her early thirties

“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
DEFAULT VERSE. any threads that are not plotted will fall into this verse. it follows my canon divergences about vala ( ㅤrewrite of prometheus, commentary and require of season 9 / part i ). she is a member of the stargate program, first as a consultant and after as a full fledged member of sg-1.a cute alien wreaking havoc. what could go wrong?
ㅤsetting:ㅤ earth, season 10 of stargate
ㅤage:ㅤ ㅤunknown, appears to be in her early thirties

That perches in the soul –
ㅤsetting:ㅤ space, season 10 of stargate
ㅤage:ㅤ ㅤunknown, appears to be in her early thirties

❝ dominion AU
And sings the tune without the words –
SET WITHIN MAIN VERSE. is this another memory loss au? yes, but it's not my fault she loses her memory twice in one season.so, in dominion vala, in an attempt to track down her daughter, suggests that the team erase her memories and implant fake memories detailing her escaping from Stargate Command, as they had turned against her. adria would have been able to notice the deception otherwise. in canon she is found in time by the sg-c, but what if they hadn't? what if things didn't go as planned and vala returned to her old ways, thinking the only people she's ever cared about turned against her, and she is alone again??she returns to her life as a space pirate. following the recent problems plaguing the lucien alliance, she is able to convince them to allow her back into their ranks. she quickly climbs back to the top.
ㅤsetting:ㅤ earth, united status
ㅤage:ㅤ ㅤunknown, appears to be in her early thirties

❝ marvel au
And never stops – at all –
taken as a child by the red room to be trained as a black widow, vala was at times a star pupil and a nightmare. stronger and quicker than the average person, she impressed with her hand-to-hand combat, and as a child, they noted, with much chagrin, her talent for lying. through the years, they slowly smoothed out her edges until she was the perfect assassin.she was active for nearly 15 years when she was caught by a foreign government. they already had a former handler of the girls working for their security service — she had been sent to kill them, but he made her before she could kill him.the government’s original plan had been to torture her for information, but the handler felt guilty, having taken her from one horrible place to another. in the middle of the night, he gave her a drug which made her drowsy and then spirited her away. it took months to deprogram her, and instead of the effervescent thanks he was expecting, he was murdered.she killed him and left without looking back.vala began working as an independent contractor, much of the same job she did as a widow but this time she was the one in charge. one of the jobs she assigned herself was stealing a shield plane hanger — she was able to take down every agent on the hanger, put them in a boat, and seal three planes to the highest bidders before she was finally taken down.before they could send her to a cell in a long forgotten prison, vala was able to convince them she had strategic information which could help them.ㅤportrayal notes:ㅤ in this verse, i’ll write her during her time as an independent widow, or as a shield consultant, i won’t write her during the time she was still brainwashed.
ㅤname:ㅤ ㅤvala mal doran
ㅤage:ㅤ ㅤa lady does not reveal her age
ㅤgender:ㅤ ㅤcisfemale
ㅤface claim:ㅤ ㅤhande erçel (claudia black inspo)

❝ Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
ㅤspecies:ㅤ ㅤhuman, former goa'uld host
ㅤeyes:ㅤ ㅤbrown
ㅤhair:ㅤ ㅤdark, black, with a natural wave to it, usually worn in pigtails
ㅤheight:ㅤ ㅤ175cm
ㅤaccent:ㅤ ㅤreceived british
ㅤcomplexion:ㅤ ㅤolive-tonned
ㅤdistinguishing features:ㅤ ㅤlarge eyes, dimples on both cheeks
ㅤbuild:ㅤ ㅤslim and muscular, angular-shaped, the only soft looking part of her body are her cheeks, everything else is pure muscle and skin
ㅤclothing:ㅤ ㅤblack, skin-tight
ㅤpiercings:ㅤ ㅤseveral in both ears
ㅤphysical conditions:ㅤ ㅤtrouble absorbing nutrients due to malnutrition in her youth

The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.
ㅤparents:ㅤ ㅤjacek and birth mother (stepmother adria)
ㅤsiblings:ㅤ ㅤnone
ㅤsignificant other:ㅤ ㅤlegally?
ㅤchildren:ㅤ ㅤadria (deceased)
ㅤclose friends:ㅤ ㅤsg 1 team
ㅤdate of birth:ㅤ ㅤunknownㅤmental health:ㅤ ㅤptsd, adhd, anxiety (all undiagnosed)
ㅤeducation:ㅤ ㅤno formal education - she was taken out of school when she was twelve years old; she is deceptively clever, however, and her years as a host allowed her to collect a lot of information.ㅤresidence:ㅤ ㅤearth (tau'ri)
ㅤethnicity:ㅤ ㅤturkish
ㅤoccupation:ㅤ ㅤmember of sg-1
ㅤimportant reads:ㅤ ㅤrewrite of prometheus, biography, sex vs touching, commentary and require of season 9 / part i

I like your attitude. I was thinking of cutting you boys in at ten percent and now I’m thinking twenty.
covers her early life to the end of stargate and the movies, touching on the canon divergences and more about what vala has been through.
full info for the verses.
what is up with vala.
link to the several headcanons where i've expanded on vala's character.
mains & exclusives
character | blog | status |
name | url | main |
name | url | exclusive |
name | url | exclusive |